
The pastors

Pastors Franklin and Rossy Cerrato are the founders of Grace and Favor Ministries, a growing and expanding ministry in the Washington DC metropolitan area.

The spiritual paternity of Apostle Guillermo Maldonado has been vital in their lives and ministry as they have been driven with more strength and influence in different spheres and has led them to be bearers of the supernatural move of God that brings an answer for this time.

In addition to being passionate about the family and working for it, the Cerrato pastors are a model for a new generation that rises as a lit torch for this time, sowing in it the Gospel of the Kingdom and affirming the seal of the Spirit so that it remains in its hearts and be part of a generation capable of marking history.

Currently, Pastor Franklin lives in the Washington DC metropolitan area with his wife, Pastor Rossy Cerrato, and their three children, Marco, José and Mía.

Our mission


A divine vision is not fulfilled overnight, It entails a whole process.

We carry out the process of developing God's vision for this House by manifesting His supernatural power at each stage of the vision. There is nothing in this vision that can be done naturally or with human force. Everything requires the intervention of the supernatural power of God.

Our vision focuses on 4 pillars

It is that stage of the vision process in which we win souls for Christ. EVERY member of the church must be a soul winner. Our evangelism is supernatural, since we not only preach the Word and testify, but we also manifest proof of the power of God through miracles, healings, prophetic words and science.

It is that stage of the vision process through which the decision of the new believer (NC) is cemented, assured, consolidated and is given the appropriate follow-up until he or she develops the basic foundations of his or her new life in Christ, so that he or she then becomes part of a discipleship group.
The objective of discipling is to teach, train, equip, activate and shepherd since the constant and continuous growth of the person is sought.
Leaders are equipped with power and their gifts affirmed to extend the Kingdom of God. As they advance the vision and grow spiritually with genuine commitment they are established as leaders and mentors. According to their ministerial calling and as God wills it within the vision, some will be called to serve as an ephesian in any of the five ministries.

Our Values

No person wants to be in a place where they do not feel loved. One of the greatest revelations of a person must be love, every person must feel loved in our Church. “But God demonstrates his love toward us in that, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

A person who feels loved genuinely obeys. Being an obedient person implies leading a life of sacrifice, surrender and denial, no house can grow correctly without obedient children, that is why the second value of our house is obedience to God and the vision of our ministry. “Jesus answered and said to him: He who loves me will keep my word; and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.” John 14:23

He is the model of Jesus, He did not come to earth to be served, he came to serve! That is why love and obedience play an important role at home, since serving is not done out of imposition or obligation, we see serving as a great privilege. “For the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

Honor is a currency of high value in the Kingdom of God and gives you access to the reward systems of heaven, and is a sign of the fear of God. Honor means to value, esteem and love. The Bible teaches us that God is honored with goods and with all fruit that comes to your hand, but it also teaches us to honor people, if you honor a person you will have access to the same anointing and favor that is on the life of others. that person. “Honor the Lord with your possessions, And with the firstfruits of all your fruits; And your barns will be filled with abundance, And your winepresses will overflow with new wine.” Proverbs 3:9-10

We preach a living God, and we have witnessed what the demonstration of his power does in people's lives, healings, miracles and wonders are the result of it. All of this comes as a result of not despising the person of the Holy Spirit at home, since as the word says “Even if we do not have the ability to understand the things of the Spirit of God, they are transcendental in the manifestation of their power.”

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